Copyright statement:

ceetec® and phenum®

are internationally registered and legally protected trademarks, both in text, image (including logo) and wording. All texts, images, graphics,

Animation files and documents on this website as well as all texts, images, graphics and documents created by ceetec® are subject to copyright, trademark law and other laws protecting intellectual property. Copying for commercial purposes or distribution, modification or use on other websites and other publications is therefore not permitted.

©2021 by ceetec®

Copyright Notice:

ceetec® and phenum® are an internationally registered and legally protected trademark, both in text, image (including logo) and in word and sound. All texts, images, graphics, animation files and documents on this website as well as all texts, pictures, graphics and documents created by ceetec® are subject to copyright, trademark and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. A copy for commercial use or for distribution, alteration or use on other websites and any other publications is therefore not permitted.

©2021 by ceetec®